Community Integration

SLI’s Community Integration Program (CIP) focuses on meeting the unique educational, social, and emotional needs of individuals with a variety of intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Our CIP space incorporates best practice design features that provide a safe and stimulating environment where participants can build relationships with their peers, develop skills to support personal independence, regulate their emotions, and actively participate in our community.  This space includes:

  • Accessible computer lab

  • Full kitchen to learn cooking skills

  • Job readiness skills

  • Small sensory rooms

  • Entertainment area

Up to 55 individuals participate each weekday in person-centered program activities (8:30 am – 4:00 pm).  Regular CIP opportunities empower individuals to develop and maintain skills in: 

  • Healthy lifestyles, nutrition, and fitness

  • Independent living skills  

  • Socialization and problem solving with peers

  • Communicating needs and emotions

  • Personal safety

  • Managing money

  • Computers and Internet 

  • Self-advocacy

  • Giving back

CIP participants contribute significantly to the well-being of the Topeka community through volunteerism.  They regularly volunteer with a variety of community-based organizations including Wheels on Meals, Adopt-A-Park, Brown vs Board Historical Site, Topeka Rescue Mission, Helping Hands Humane Society, Let’s Help, and many more.   On average, SLI clients volunteer 400 – 500 hours each month.

An SLI staff member is working with a male individual writing on a worksheet at a table at SLI.

Learn more about Community Integration today!