Community Integration
SLI’s Community Integration Program (CIP) focuses on meeting the unique educational, social, and emotional needs of individuals with a variety of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our CIP space incorporates best practice design features that provide a safe and stimulating environment where participants can build relationships with their peers, develop skills to support personal independence, regulate their emotions, and actively participate in our community. This space includes:
Accessible computer lab
Full kitchen to learn cooking skills
Job readiness skills
Small sensory rooms
Entertainment area
Up to 55 individuals participate each weekday in person-centered program activities (8:30 am – 4:00 pm). Regular CIP opportunities empower individuals to develop and maintain skills in:
Healthy lifestyles, nutrition, and fitness
Independent living skills
Socialization and problem solving with peers
Communicating needs and emotions
Personal safety
Managing money
Computers and Internet
Giving back
CIP participants contribute significantly to the well-being of the Topeka community through volunteerism. They regularly volunteer with a variety of community-based organizations including Wheels on Meals, Adopt-A-Park, Brown vs Board Historical Site, Topeka Rescue Mission, Helping Hands Humane Society, Let’s Help, and many more. On average, SLI clients volunteer 400 – 500 hours each month.